Asking Questions
Asking Questions
“Asking yourself a question, that’s how resistance begins. And then ask that very question to someone else.”
Start by examining the social and political ideas you feel strongly about:
Are you convinced you’re on the right side of these arguments?
Can you find reasonable counterpoints to your current positions?
Can you find credible information that widens your stance?
Can you see what the other side sees, and reconcile that?
Without asking questions we become entrenched & we may be wrong.
I think most people do some self-reflection on their feelings.
Everyone has the capacity for self-improvement & introspection.
Although some people simply do not want to change or grow.
Progressives and Conservatives are different people wanting different things.
Most people want to improve their quality of life.
I have read conservative papers suggesting that each person is responsible for improving their own life.
I have read progressive papers suggesting that society is responsible for improving the lives of its participants.
It seems to me that we need both.