More Science
Humanity always needs practical technological tools.
When we do not understand the way the world works we are afraid.
The more informed scientists we have, the more humankind can achieve.
More Value
Make and sell useful things that make people’s lives better.
Create positive-sum games that produce value as you play them.
Encourage people to work for the things that they want.
More Progress
Every thing can only ever stay the same, get worse, or get better.
Invariance and regression are often bad and worth avoiding.
Prefer positive change wherever possible.
Fewer Guns
People keep guns for fear and sport.
Sports are good and preferable to war.
There are obviously enough guns.
We should destroy guns when there are too many.
Fewer Emissions
All reasonable science concludes that humans affect weather.
People reproduce globally at a rate > 2. What can you do?
Understand your impact on the world and reduce it wherever possible.
Fewer Opioids
Humans can’t always help themselves.
Some drugs are too strong for any body.
We must help each other find new ways to live with pain.